
Assault Rifles: Mass Shooting Needs Mass Divestment

I have removed gun manufacturers from my portfolio, have you? As the death toll continues to rise from the recent Las Vegas mass shooting, we all should hold our children and loved ones that much closer.  It is clear that something needs to be done to create rules and regulations that outlaw any use of […]

Panel Discussion on Divestment

Panel Discussion and Reception: Sustainable and Responsible Investing When: Thursday, April 21st 5:30-7:00 Where: 822 5th Street, Santa Rosa Many of us have made the decision to live a more sustainable and climate positive life. We drive electric vehicles and have installed solar panels on our rooftops. But what about our investment dollars? Are they

Are Your Investment Advisor’s Fees Going to Coal Mining?

If you currently have an account with one of the large brokerage firms out there like Morgan Stanley or Chase, you may  think, “oh well my small amount of assets can’t amount to these companies doing harm to the planet”. Well, think again. These same companies offering you free golf balls and “unbiased” investment advice 

Big Endowments are Divesting. Are You?

The divestment train has left the station. It’s hard to pass a headline that doesn’t include the words ‘divestment’ and ‘foundation’ in the same sentence these days. And rightfully so: As technology and innovation in renewables start to take hold, the good old boys at the coal mining and fossil fuel companies are starting to

Sustainvest 3rd Quarter Newsletter

As we enter the home stretch of 2014, we can at least say that it has been a somewhat “boring” market quarter, but sometimes boring is better than the alternative. For the 3rd quarter, the S&P 500 was flat with a .6% increase. The Dow Jones was up 1.3% and the NASDAQ up 1.9%. For