ethical investing

Sustainvest’s Annual Naughty and Nice List

As we all start to scuffle around town, buying BPA-free plastic presents and organic GMO-free liquor infused egg nog, Sustainvest thinks it’s an ideal time to list our top 4 naughty and top 4 nice corporate/investment entities (or people) of 2015. This should help bring up some lively family discussions around the holiday dinner table. […]

Sustainvest 1st Quarter 2014 Newsletter

Includes: Car Seat Karma The Boom and Inherited IRAs Sustainvest Takes on $35 Billion Pharma Company Non-Profit of the Quarter-COTS Spring has sprung (for most of us) as we enter the 2nd quarter of the year.  Companies are sifting through profit and loss statements with corporate earnings announcements due soon which should prove interesting in