green investing

Your Advisor May be Double-Dipping You

It is amazing to us. We run across client investment portfolio statements and there it is smack in your face-a Morgan Stanley account with all of the holdings in Morgan Stanley mutual funds! The next day, we see it again. An Ameriprise client with a 35% position in one Ameriprise mutual fund!?! Ever seen the […]

Thanks Granny. Now What?

More than $40 trillion will pass between generations by the year 2055 according to the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy (CWP) at Boston College. That’s a whole lot of hard-earned cash. For many baby boomers and generation Xers, this gift may actually feel like a burden rather than something to look forward to. Anxiety creeps

3 Coffee Talk Items With Your Investment Advisor

Let’s face it; investment management isn’t a business that many think of dearly when discussed. It’s evident when you open the newspaper that there are some advisors out there who are making some very poor decisions and being locked away for doing so. But, of course, there are others who are doing it the “right

Sustainvest 3rd Quarter Newsletter!

The 3rd quarter has quickly passed and soon enough, us Northern Californians will be able to bask in the heat of another few months of summer. It seems as if the market wants to hold on to its own pleasant weather as the equity markets continue their move in positive territory.  This 3rd quarter saw