petaluma investment advisor

Sustainvest 1st Quarter 2014 Newsletter

Includes: Car Seat Karma The Boom and Inherited IRAs Sustainvest Takes on $35 Billion Pharma Company Non-Profit of the Quarter-COTS Spring has sprung (for most of us) as we enter the 2nd quarter of the year.  Companies are sifting through profit and loss statements with corporate earnings announcements due soon which should prove interesting in […]

How to File a Shareholder Resolution All By Yourself!

I will be giving an informal chat on How to be an Activist Shareholder this Thursday the 25th at Lydia’s Sunflower Center at 6:30pm.  If you’re interested in learning about socially and environmentally conscious investing and what a “shareholder proposal” is and the history behind them and how to file one yourself then stop on

Quarterly Newsletter!

2nd quarter 2013 The Economy With temperatures unfamiliarly hitting 100 degrees here in Northern California to end the quarter, it’s safe to say that the weather is a bit hotter than the past few week’s market performance. That being said, this year’s performance is nothing to sneeze at. The close of this quarter marks the