sonoma investment advisor

Come On Skechers! CA Mandates Women on Your Board

If half of the world population consists of women, one would think that having this demographic being represented on a company’s board would just be sound business. Right? However, in 2018, a fourth of publicly held corporations with headquarters in California don’t have any women on their boards of directors. This soon will change. California […]

5 Tips to be a More Sustainable Investor

As we enter the holiday season, our more cheery and considerate sides most likely start to show (for most of us that is).  We start wearing our festive sweaters and think about next year.  In line with this, we may start to look at our bank or investment accounts and start to fall back into

Sustainvest 4th Quarter Newsletter

Happy 2015!  Well, what a year it’s been. The bull market of 2014 really never took a chance to relax with corporations continuing to reign in revenues. The scary thing is pundits are calling for this beast to continue doing so into 2015. For the 4th quarter we saw gains over 4% in all 3