sustainable investing

An Anatomy of AI Stocks

I am a lister. I make lists for everything from places to travel each year to what is needed for the next trip to the hardware store to where my life will be in 20 years. So, with all the talk that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to completely metamorphosize our lives as we all […]

What the DAF?

With life passing by and elders leaving behind estates, many beneficiaries of large portfolios are left with newly found assets and with that, perhaps large taxable gains. After feeling very fortunate for their financial gains, many investors may start to look for ways to “push off” significant capital gains. Though one could just gift away

Sector Nectar: Are You Diversified?

The phrase “variety is the spice of life” was first seen in 1785 in a William Cowper poem. When it comes to investing within your Roth IRA or 401k or brokerage account, there is plenty of variety as of late with daily introductions of new exchange traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds.  Investors these days

Procrastinators…Get Those IRA Contributions In

It’s that time of the year when the procrastinators come out of the investing woodwork and need to make an IRA contribution.  Well, you slowpokes, you still have some time and we will keep this post quick, so you don’t waste time reading this and instead go make these contributions.  You can make an IRA

Is Your Advisor the Next Bernie Madoff?

In this 1 minute video below, Sustainvest’s founder Dale Wannen wanted to clarify what it is to be an independent investment advisor versus a non-indy.  Lets start with old Bernie Madoff as his story always ranks high in all of our Netlix Top 10’s. As most of us know, Bernie Madoff was the infamous ponzi

Keeping Up With The Kardash…I Mean Sustainable Funds

Tricked ya! Well, as opposed to worrying about what Kim is wearing for next Christmas, instead, spend 3 minutes of your day reading about what you can do to help save the world from climate change.  As record heat waves and droughts rattle the nerves, the market for ESG and sustainable investing continues to grow. 

Rules for Setting Up That IRA Account

We currently may not been able to go to a local restaurant for that cold beer or pound the weights at the gym but one thing that you can still do is make an IRA contribution!  As January has quickly passed during these stay at home Covid days, it’s not too late to reduce your

Making $13,750 an hour? Not too Shabby, But Isn’t it a Bit Much?

Congrats Elon. Well, not really but…in light of the recent news that Tesla CEO Elon Musk earned the first portion of an incentive-based stock payout which is comprised of 1.7 million shares of Tesla valued at about $775 million, perhaps now is an opportune time to discuss CEO pay versus the average employee and something

5 Tips to be a Sustainable Investor in 2020

  As the markets go through their ups and downs this quarter, this may be a good time to see how sustainable your portfolio looks.  Risk management becomes prudent at this point and adding an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) screen to your IRA or 401k is an added step to screen for outside risks.

Socking Away the Right Amount in your 401k?

Life moves by quickly and saving for the “golden” years sometimes gets pushed aside. As summer approaches and you sit on that beach in Sonoma County or along the San Francisco Bay, perhaps a quick “to do” or call to your financial advisor is to figure out if you are contributing enough into your retirement